
Blue's Clues

Our life has been taken over by a guy in a green striped shirt and his little blue dog who has a bad habit of leaving his paw prints all over the place. Today we put Jerry in a "new" (hand-me-down) shirt that is intended to look like Steve's shirt. He walked around church pointing to his belly saying, "I Steve, I Steve". He was very excited about the shirt! Then, after church he wanted to watch and episode of his favorite show, (or two or three) but, he violently protested when I tried to put on one starring Joe instead of Steve. Garrett refers to Jerry as a Blue's Clues Purist! Solomon actually tolerates Jerry's addiction quite well. He doesn't mind too much that he hardly gets any say as to what will play on the TV. He likes to play along with the show too, and gets a laugh out of Jerry dancing around and repeating everything that Steve says. I know the fascination with the little blue puppy own't last forever, so I guess we'll just enjoy it while it lasts. Thanks Steve for helping me keep my sanity as a mother of little boys!


Here's a recent look at our family

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Better late than never?

Here we are, another month past since my last entry where I was musing about the beautiful springtime. We finally got some more pictures on the site, so you can see our yard, and the contrast of winter to springtime. This morning I sat out on our park bench in the front yard for 20 minutes reading my bible. The sun was streaming down on me through the trees, yet the air was cool enough to make it comfortable. Every day, I am falling in love with this place more and more.

Contrast of front yard, Now and Then

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Our front yard Now, as of May 2007

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Our front yard Then, as of March 2007

About Me

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This blog has been inactive for five years, and I am attempting to get it going again. We now live in Woodstock, IL and the boys are growing way too fast. Life is good.