
Motivational Evening

I always look forward to General Conference, because somehow when I listen to the words of our church leaders, I feel like everything is okay. Even though the world is in turmoil, and life can be extremely hectic, for the time being... all is well. Women's conference last Saturday evening was a wonderful preview of the outpouring of the Spirit that I experience every general conference. For those of you not yet clued in on what I'm talking about, the LDS church general conference takes place next weekend, Oct. 1 & 2nd and will be broadcast on www.lds.org.
Last Saturday we had the Women's session of the conference. The topic for the evening was, "Becoming an instrument in the hands of God." I went away from the evening more confident and motivated as a mother, wife, friend, sister and YW president. It is always nice to be reminded of the importance of the roles we carry out in our daily lives. One point made by Elder Faust has really stuck with me these past couple of days. "You may have the ability to touch a life for good that no one else can." I know if I strive to be worthy of the guidance of the Spirit, I will be guided to those who need me. Just as in the past, so many others have been placed in my path to help me. "God does notice us, and he watches over us, but it is often through another person that he meets our needs." I am thankful to be counted worthy as one my Savior can count on to help bless the lives of others.

1 comment:

JJ said...

wow! i missed the broadcast, as my roommate and i spent the evening moving her stuff out, but i heard so much about it, and look forward to reading the transcripts! i love your insight!

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This blog has been inactive for five years, and I am attempting to get it going again. We now live in Woodstock, IL and the boys are growing way too fast. Life is good.